Kibumbbaa, Y/N's first stop in Africa, is the biggest cobalt mine area in east Canggoo. A giant artificial valley slices through the mountain, revealing layers of vibrant red, green, and blue earth. Y/N had never seen anything like it.

    奇布邦巴是 Y/N 在非洲的第一站,也是纲馃东部最大的钴矿区。一个巨大的人工山谷穿过山体,裸露出层层鲜艳的红色、绿色、和蓝色大地。Y/N 从未见过这样的景象。

    She was already impressed by how much humans could change the natural landscape, but then she saw the workers. Endless lines of people, without any protective masks or suits, carrying ore with their bare hands, moving nonstop from one end of the valley to the other.


    This isn't a hot zone, but in its own way, it tells an even crueler story.


    Yalii, the guide to the 27th group of UN volunteers to which Y/N belongs, shares the story. He is a local African man in his fifties who has devoted his entire life to this magical land.  With 40% of the world's cobalt reserves, Conggoo produces over half of the commercial cobalt raw material available in the global market. Cobalt itself was not problematic, but when it came to lithium-ion batteries, it became a treasure strategic resource –  cobalt was the main ingredient of high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Controlling Kibumbbaa means having a key to renewable energy. No wonder it's right on the edge of the east Canggoo war zone.

    Y/N被分配到了第27批联合国驻纲馃人道主义应急救援队。Yali是这批队伍的向导。他是一位五十多岁的非洲当地人,一生都奉献给了这片神奇的土地。 Yali 讲述着发生在这里的故事。纲馃拥有世界 40% 的钴储量,生产了全球交易市场上一半以上的钴原料。钴本身不是什么珍稀材料,但和锂电池掺和在一起,它就成了宝贵的战略资源--钴是高能锂电池的主要成分。奇布邦巴有纲馃境内最大的钴矿。控制了奇布邦巴,就意味着控制了新能源产业的话语权。这也是为什么多方势力一直在奇布邦巴附近缠斗,硬生生把原来的几座大矿场打成了纲馃的东部战区。

    The United Nations established a second major peacekeeping center 70 miles west of Kibumbbaa Mine Mountain. The rescue volunteer team rotated through this area, setting up camp to provide medical assistance to civilians.

    联合国在奇布邦巴矿山以西 70 英里处建立了第二维和中心。救援志愿队在中心、矿场两地区轮流扎营,为当地平民提供医疗援助。

    Y/N received rescue training during her university years, but when she applied this knowledge in real-life situations, she faced many unexpected challenges. Unlike the controlled scenarios in training, real-life wounds were often more frightening, bloody, and exposed.

    虽然Y/N 在大学期间接受过应急救援培训,但当书本上的知识真的要运用到生活中的时候,就可完全不一样了。与培训中人造的可控场景不同,现实生活中的伤口往往更加血腥可怕。“不成人形”可以形容一个人很劳累,但在前线,这几个字完全是它的字面意思。

    In a standard rescue procedure, patients are categorized by the severity of their injuries: minor injuries are marked with a green tag, serious but non-life-threatening injuries with a yellow tag, and life-threatening injuries requiring immediate attention with a red tag. However, there is another type, the one that represents the deceased patients or expected ones, with a black tag. The focus is on comforting the patient if they are still alive.


    In the first few months, Y/N often found herself in a state of panic. Y/N remembered the first time she used a black tag. But that day, a little boy accidentally walked into a hot zone and triggered a landmine. Half of his leg was blown off, leaving a gruesome, bloody mess. Some senior doctors and Y/N rushed to help him. They had already applied a tourniquet to the boy’s leg but couldn’t help. 20 minutes later, a senior doctor asked Y/N to tag him black.

    在最初的几个月里,Y/N 经常处于恐慌状态。Y/N还记那是她第一次使用黑色标签日子。一个小男孩不小心走进了战区,误触了地雷。他的半条腿被炸断,血肉糊成一片,惨不忍睹,救援队成员已经给男孩的腿上了止血带、止血剂,但仍然无济于事。20 分钟后,一名资深医生让 Y/N 给他贴上黑色标签。

    “Do something, please.” Y/N refused.

    “Y/N, do the last thing you can do.”

    "不,不,求求你们了,做点什么吧,他还活着!" Y/N本能地拒绝这个现实。


    That night, another team was sent to Kibumbbaa, and Y/N’s team took the return trip to the peacekeeping center for rest. Some teammates brought the boy’s only possession – a small homemade badge with his name on it --  Kee.

    那天,另一个小组被轮换派往了奇布邦巴, Y/N 的小组则乘坐返程的大巴返回维和中心。一些队友带来了男孩唯一的遗物——一个印有他名字的自制小徽章——他的名字叫做Kee。

    Y/N's mind suddenly drifted to someone 6,000 miles away. She remembered Keegan's scars and imagined how he might have gotten them. Were they from bullets? A knife? Exposure to the elements?

    Y/N 的思绪突然飘到了 6000 英里之外的某个人身上。她想起了Keegan的伤疤。刀伤,击打伤,爆炸冲击波造成的伤……

    Y/N couldn't help but feel sad. Suddenly, her phone, along with everyone else's, buzzed with notification sounds—they finally had internet connection again. Y/N checked her messages, and aside from her parents' messages, the one at the top was from Keegan, sent half a month ago:

    "Happy Independence Day, Y/N."

    正在Y/N悲从中来的时候,突然,她的手机和其他人的手机发出了信息提示音——车辆行驶到城区附近,他们终于连上信号和网络了。Y/N 查看了自己的信息,除了父母的信息外,最上面的一条Keegan的,是半个月前发来的:


    Y/N's eyes blurred as she read the message. She tried to type a reply, but the words wouldn't come. Finally, she sent:

    "Be safe and sound, Sergeant."

    读到这条信息时,Y/N 的眼睛被泪水模糊了。她试图写点什么,增删再改,怎么写也不是。最后,千言万语汇成了一行:


    6,000 miles away at the 141 Task Force base, Keegan and his Bravo-GHOST squad had just gotten off a C-130 Hercules after a mission. He was a mature man, not easily swayed by emotion. But on this particular day, he felt the summer wind carrying messages to him. Returning to his room, he checked his phone and was surprised to see a message from Y/N.

    "Be safe and sound, Sergeant."

    The message was a month old. "One word like that is enough," Keegan thought.

    在 6000 英里之外的 141 特遣部队基地,Keegan和他的 Bravo小队刚执行完一个任务,正从一架 C-130 Hercules运载机上下来。他是一个成熟的男人,不容易被情绪左右。但在今天,他预感到夏日的风会向他传递什么信息。回到房间,他查看了手机,惊喜地看到了一条来自 Y/N 的信息:



    Around Christmas Eve, Keegan noticed something strange. Y/N's dad still refused to talk to him, but Y/N’s dad began posting short videos on his social media. The videos weren't fancy, but in one of the posts, Keegan zoomed in and saw a postcard with stamps from Iturrii, Canggoo. Curious, he quickly Googled Iturrii and, as he suspected, found that a conflict had broken out there. Y/N might be in the midst of it.

    As long as the old buddy is safe and sound, then Y/N should be good. Keegan thought.

    圣诞节前夕,基根发现了一件诡异的事情:Y/N的父亲开始玩短视频了。尽管这个老伙计仍然拒绝和他说话,但似乎是默许了Keegan可以浏览他的帖子。这些视频一般都是唠家常,但其中一个帖子特意展示了一张印有非洲风光的明信片,Keegan放大后看见明信片的邮戳来自纲馃,伊图伊。他迅速上网搜索了伊图伊,正如他所猜测的那样,那里爆发了冲突。Y/N 所在的小队可能转移到了新的冲突地带。

    Keegan很担心。但理论上来说只要老伙计还有心情发小视频,那么 Y/N 就应该安然无恙。

    Y/N isn't doing too badly. In some ways, she's finally living her dream. The equatorial region doesn't have winter; even in January and February, the weather feels like summer. She's with her teammates, the guides, and the local youth, dancing around the fire, feeling the warm summer breeze mixed with the faint scent of gunpowder brushing against their faces. They sleep on simple burlap bags marked with the red cross of aid supplies, with the sky as their blanket.


    In late April, the conflict around Iturrii escalated. The second Conggoo war erupted, involving at least seven pro-government countries or areas and anti-government forces backed by at least eight other African countries. Despite the civil conflicts, this region is too valuable for anyone to overlook. It boasts 30% of the world's proven diamond reserves, 70% of all known mineral categories, and 50% of Africa's major rivers flow through it. Additionally, 57% of its territory is covered by forests rich with palm trees, coffee, and cocoa beans.

    4 月下旬,围绕伊图里伊的冲突升级了。至少有 7 个亲政府国家或地区和至少 8 个其他非洲国家支持的反政府武装卷入其中,第二次纲馃战争爆发了。除了国家内部的冲突,更多人趁乱,觊觎着价值不菲的地区资源:纲馃拥有世界上 30% 的已探明钻石储量,70% 的已知矿产种类,非洲 50% 的主要河流都流经这里。此外,纲馃57% 的领土被森林覆盖,盛产棕榈树、咖啡、和可可豆。

    Soon, the repercussions of this conflict spread globally: the price of cobalt tripled in just three months, gold prices soared even faster, arms dealers traveled the world striking deals, and Task Force 141 had hostages to rescue.

    很快,这场冲突的影响波及全球:钴价在短短三个月内涨了三倍,黄金价格飙升,军火商满世界地进行武器交易,而141 特遣部队也有人质需要营救。

    Price hosted the briefing and outlined the mission details. In short, an anti-government armed force had taken Agent McNally hostage and was hiding in the Iturrii area. Price and Ghost's Alpha team were assigned to infiltrate the building and rescue the hostages, while Soap would lead the Bravo team to provide suppressive fire, cover the Alpha team's exit, and secure the area. Keegan would serve as a sniper, delivering precise attacks. Both teams would rendezvous at point Charlie for extraction.

    Price主持了战前分析会,布置了任务细节。简而言之,一支反政府武装劫持了麦克纳利特工,并藏匿在伊图伊地区。Price和 Ghost带领alpha小组需突入营地救援人质;Soap带领bravo小组提供火力压制,掩护alpha小组撤离;Keegan担任狙击手,实施侦察并提供精确打击。队伍将在Charlie集合点会合撤离。

    After the briefing, Keegan felt a sudden wave of uncertainty. It was the Iturrii area, after all. Pausing for a moment, he approached the intel team and requested the latest Iturrii peacekeeping camp arrangements.


    The mission happened at dawn.

    Currently, everything unfolded as briefed. The sounds of gunfire, radio chatter, and explosions echoed through the woods. They cleared three waves of enemy combatants, and the Alpha team breached the prison room.



    "Alpha Team, sitrep and casualty report."

    "Alpha Team at designated location, process security question with HVT."

    "Bravo Team, sitrep and casualty report."

    "Bravo Team at designated location, zeero KIA."

    "Sniper, status."

    "Enemy reinforcements inbound, two armored vehicles, north, 2000 yards," Keegan reported.

    " Alpha小组,报告当前情况和伤亡"

    " Alpha小队到达指定地点,和高价值目标对接安全口令中,零伤亡"

    " Bravo小队,报告当前情况和伤亡"

    " Bravo小队到达指定地点,零伤亡"



    Ghost approached the tortured hostage and assessed his condition. "Agent McNally, we're getting you out of here. Focus on the security question. What's your city of birth? Stay with me, Agent."


    The hostage was unconscious.

    "Sniper report: enemy approaching, two armored vehicles at 1500 yards. Repeat, 1500 yards."

    "Alpha Team, sitrep: hostage unconscious, suspected neural damage."

    "Agent McNally, stay with us."

    Suddenly, Agent McNally began foaming at the mouth.

    "Alpha Team, sitrep: hostage showing signs of poisoning. Bite marks on leg, suspected venom. Hostage in critical condition."

    "Requesting command guidance."



    " Alpha小队报告:人质昏迷,疑似神经受损"




    Keegan suddenly thought of something and cut into the public radio. "Sniper report: enemy advancing, 1000 yards out. South, 27 miles, Drodrroo village has a peacekeeping rescue center with emergency serum and medical support."

    Keegan突然想起了什么,迅速进入了公共通讯,他说到,"狙击手报告: 敌人逼近,距离1000码。报告指挥官,从此地向南27英里,德鲁德罗村有驻扎一个维和医疗队,配备有毒蛇血清。”

    " Alpha Team request approval for action to Drodrroo,."

    " Commander channel: Roger that, approved."

    Ghost extracted the hostage while the rest of the team provided cover and engaged the enemy.

    " Alpha小队,请求批准前往德鲁德罗"



    Ghost drove at breakneck speed while another team member reported to base, requesting docking with the peacekeeping team. As they neared Drodrroo village, the peacekeeping team was already in position with a conspicuous flag. A young woman in her early twenties, stood ready. She wore long camouflage trousers and a green top, her hair tied back, giving her a capable and commanding presence.


    "Lieutenant Riley, I'm Y/N," she said. "We've been briefed on the situation. Trust us, we'll handle it."

    Ghost nodded and watched the rescue team approach the camp. He then ordered Alpha Team to spread out into a defensive formation, securing the camp.

    "Riley中尉,我是 Y/N,"她说。"我们已经了解了情况。相信我们,我们会处理好的。"


    Finally, Price, Soap, Keegan, and the Bravo team secured a critical victory. There was no time to rest as they swiftly exited the conflict zone. Their next objective was to head to Drodrroo and link up with Alpha Team.

    As they approached, Ghost and Alpha Team remained on guard outside. Finally, they could all take a moment to breathe.

    当Price, Soap, Keegan,和Bravo小组终于取得了关键性的胜利可以撤离时他们一口气也没有休息,上头命□□有变,他们前往德鲁德罗,与 Alpha 小队会合后从那儿撤离。


    Keegan leaned against a tree, looking at the camp with a mix of thrill and hesitation. He didn’t dare to ask Ghost about the injured. Would they survive? Had his suggestion put both the injured and the rescuers in greater danger?


    Suddenly, the curtain of the camp opened. A human contour appeared, stepping into the sunlight.

    It’s Y/N.

    Keegan felt his heart skipped a beat.

    She looks a little bit tired but still professional; her voice is serious tongue “Sorry, who is the commander?”

    Price lifted his finger.


    是 Y/N。




    "Sir, the injured was bitten by a local Naja annulifera snake and is severely dehydrated. We've administered antivenom and glucose. There's no immediate danger to his life now, but I recommend transferring him as soon as possible."

    Price finally let out a sigh of relief.

    He then said, “Thank you, Doctor. It's nice to meet you. Captain Jhon Price.”

    “Y/N. Don’t mention that. We have several hands that could help your soldiers.”

    “Thank you.”

    "长官,伤者被当地的 Naja annulifera 蛇咬伤,且伴有严重脱水。我们已经给他注射了抗蛇毒血清和葡萄糖。他暂时没有生命危险了,但仍然建议尽快转到医院去。"


    他接着说:"谢谢你,医生。很高兴见到你。我是John Price上尉。"



    Then Price approached Keegan; he gave Keegan a hug, letting out a praise, “Bloody hell, good job, Sergeant Russ, you are always well prepared.”

    Y/N followed Price's movement and saw the quiet man aside. She confirmed his identity when they made the first eye contact.

    Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions.

    Price was still talking, and Keegan's gaze quickly shifted away from Y/N. He needed to focus on the conversation with Price, his expression momentarily unreadable.





    As Y/N’s brain was blank at that moment, Ghost approached Y/N and reached out with his hand, “Thank you, Y/N.”

    “Sorry. Minds fly a little bit. Don’t mention it, Lieutenant. Riley, right?”

    “Just Ghost.”



    “OK, Lieutenant Ghost. A ghost won't get injured, but you are bleeding. Let’s fix that first. May I take a look at your elbow?”  Y/N gently took Ghost’s elbow, seriously checking.

    Keegan took a glance at this moment. Then, a taste of bitter crowned to heart.


    "对不起,刚刚开小差了。您别客气,是莱利中尉 ,对吧?"Y/N突然反应过来和Ghost握了握手。




    "好吧,Ghost中尉 ,幽灵不会受伤,但你在流血。我们先解决这个问题吧。我看看你的手肘?"  Y/N 轻轻地抬起Ghost的手肘,检查着伤情。


    While Y/N was assisting the soldiers, her team received instructions from the main peacekeeping center: they needed to relocate. Due to the hostage rescue, Drodrroo was no longer safe. Y/N’s team was going to head to Buniiaa, the capital of Iturrii, the same destination as the GHOST team. The UN and Task Force 141 had agreed that the GHOST team could give Y/N’s team a ride.

    当 Y/N他们帮士兵包扎时,救援队收到了来自维和中心的指示:他们需要转移;由于人质营救行动,德罗德罗奥已经不再安全了。Y/N 的小队将撤回伊图伊的省会,布尼亚。布尼亚,与 GHOST 小队的目的地相同。联合国和 141 特遣部队已经协商好,GHOST 小队可以载Y/N他们一程。

    Successful mission, beautiful lady, and enjoyable natural view. Who doesn’t like it?


    Everyone is friendly. Y/N took this chance to get to know this group of big boys. Price is the captain; he is like an old parent. Soap is kinder-heart and warming to be around. Ghost is, at some level, aggressive. But till the destination, Y/N and Keegan didn’t find a chance to have a real talk.

    大家都很友善。Y/N借此机会了解了这群老男孩。Price是指挥官,他就像个大家长一样。Soap心地善良,让人感到温暖。Ghost 人也很好,就是有时候会说骚话。但直到到达目的地,Y/N 和 Keegan 都没有找到机会正经聊聊。

    Buniiaa is a small town. The GHOST team dropped Y/N off at the town center before continuing their mission.


    Back at the gathering place, Y/N was clearly not in the mood and far from prepared for this unexpected reunion with her sergeant. She hadn't showered in days, her hand were stained with mud, her hair was a mess, and her clothes were ill-fitting. She couldn’t believe she was going to meet her sergeant like this...But, Y/N, are you sure it was because of your appearance that you are afraid to meet your sergeant?


    After delivering the hostage to the designated location,  GHOST team had a two-day buffer before their next assignment. Officially, they were still on duty, but everyone knew this was a rare chance for some much-needed downtime.


    Soap showed interest in this exotic African town. After asking around, He found a local bar named Yali’s Hometown. It was small, simple, and plain but cozy and charming, with an African flavor—at least the local people said so. He rounded up Price, Ghost, and Keegan and took them there to unwind.

    Soap对这个充满异国情调的非洲小镇产生了兴趣。他跟当地人打听了一圈,找到了一家名为 "Yali的故乡 "的当地小酒馆。酒馆不大,简单朴素,但很迷人,充满非洲风情--至少当地人是这么说的,这不得去看看?他薅来了Price、Ghost和Keegan,拉着他们去那里放松一下。

    Yali opened Yali’s Hometown Bar as a place to gather and treat friends. He worked as local guide for the UN. He travels frequently, so the bar is only open intermittently. Unlike the bars in big cities, this one is simple, with just a single party light and a few string lights. Yali wanted to host a private party here tonight. The 27th United Nations Volunteer Rescue Team in Canggoo was nearing the end of their one-year term. Some members would be leaving, while others would stay on. It’s good to gather everyone to say goodbye to those departing and to welcome back those returning.

    Yali 开设了“ Yali的故乡”小酒馆,只是作为款待朋友、或者开聚会的小基地。他在联合国担任当地导游,经常不在,小酒馆得看今天心情好不好而开不开门迎客。与摩登大都市的酒吧不同,这里的布置和灯红酒绿毫不沾边,只有一盏派对灯球和几串灯泡绳。Yali今晚想在这里举办个私人小派对——纲馃第 27批联合国志愿救援队的一年合同即将到期。一些人会离开,另一人会留下,得把大家召集在一起聚聚。

    When Soap, Price, Ghost, and Keegan arrived, the loudspeaker was playing "Waka Waka," a quintessential African song. The bar gathered about 40 people. Yali quickly noticed the four non-native men entering and approached them with enthusiasm.

    "Friends, tonight we're having a private farewell party and we're not selling drinks. But, but, but, we have free drinks for friends! Come and join us, friends from all over the world. By the way, my name is Yali, and this is my place. Cheers!"

    Free drinks and story. That’s even nicer.

    当 Soap、Price、Ghost 和 Keegan 到达时小酒馆时,扩音器正在播放经典的非洲歌曲 "Waka Waka"。酒馆里大约有 40几个人。Yali很快就注意到了进来的四个外地人,并热情地招呼他们,



