On the morning of my birthday, I waited eagerly with anticipation. My heart was filled with nervousness, wondering if SuguruGeto would remember this special day. Would there be a mysterious surprise, or at least a simple yet warm wish?

    The entire day, I hesitated whether to remind him. After class, I silently counted in my heart if he would spontaneously offer some words of blessing.

    In the evening, SuguruGeto and I sat down on a bench in the park, watching the sunset glow. Suddenly, he flashed a bright smile and said, "Hey, today is your birthday, right? Happy birthday!"

    My mood instantly brightened— he remembered! This simple wish felt like a sparkling candle on a birthday cake, illuminating the entire night. I was immensely grateful, and my fondness for him grew even stronger.

    We spent a wonderful evening together, sharing laughter and hopes for the future. Xiaoyou Jie's memory made my birthday special and strengthened our bond. Perhaps, this was a beautiful beginning, deepening the connection between us.


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